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Filter Pebble

Filter gravel is a natural material used in water treatment plants and other filtration systems. It helps to purify water from unwanted contaminants and provides clean, safe drinking water.

Filter Gravel Features:

  • High Hardness: Filter gravel is resistant to wear and tear. This ensures long-lasting use.
  • Porosity: Filter gravel has a porous structure through which water can flow easily.
  • High Density: Filter gravel has sufficient density to retain contaminants.
  • Sharp Corners: Filter gravel has sharp corners that make it easier for contaminants to attach.
  • Natural and Environmentally Friendly: Filter gravel is a natural material and does not harm the environment.

Filter Gravel Usage Areas:

  • Water Treatment Plants: Filter gravel is used in water treatment plants to purify water from pollutants.
  • Pool Filters: Filter gravel is used to clean water in pools.
  • Aquarium Filters: Filter gravel is used to clean water in aquariums.
  • Septic Tanks: Filter gravel is used to purify wastewater in septic tanks.
  • Ornamental Plants: Filter gravel is used as drainage material in the pots of ornamental plants.

Advantages of Filter Gravel:

  • Effective Filtration: Filter gravel effectively removes unwanted contaminants from water.
  • Long-Lasting: Filter gravel is resistant to wear and tear and can be used for many years.
  • Natural and Environmentally Friendly: Filter gravel is a natural material and does not harm the environment.
  • Affordable: Filter gravel is more affordable than other filtration materials.

Filter Gravel Disadvantages:

  • Heavy: Filter gravel is heavy enough to be difficult to carry and use.
  • Sharp Corners: Filter gravel has sharp corners that can damage the skin.

Filter Gravel Selection:

When choosing filter gravel, the pollution level of the water, the capacity of the treatment plant and the type of treatment process should be taken into consideration. Additionally, the grain size, hardness and chemical resistance of the gravel are also important factors.

Filter Gravel Maintenance:

Filter gravel is a material that needs to be washed and backwashed regularly. This process ensures the removal of contaminants accumulated on the filter gravel and the efficient operation of the filtration system.

Filter Gravel Prices:

The price of filter gravel varies depending on the type, quality, grain size and quantity of the gravel.

Filter Gravel Suppliers:

Filter gravel, you can supply it from us.

  • What is filter gravel?

Filter gravel is a natural material used in water treatment plants and other filtration systems. It helps purify water from unwanted contaminants and provides clean, safe drinking water.

  • How to use filter gravel?

Filter gravel is located in a part of the filtration system. As the water passes through the filter gravel layer, it is purified from pollutants.